Unique moments unfold in one of the holiest places on earth, the town of Liska, where heartfelt prayers offered at the grave of the revered tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l, echo with blessings.

ליסקא, די שטאָט וווּ דער גרויסער רבי הערשעלע ליסקער זצ"ל (באקאנט אויך ווי צבי הירש פרידמאן) ליגט באגראבן, איז איינע פון ​​די הייליקסטע ערטער אין דער חסידישער וועלט. ווי דורות לאַנג, אזוי אויך הי

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The heartfelt prayer of a Hasidic Jewish man at Rabbi Hershele Liska's resting place draws a significant crowd.

A crowd forms as a Hasidic Jewish man prays fervently at the gravesite of Rabbi Hershele Liska.In the serene silence of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a Hasidic Jewish man, deeply moved, prays at the grave of Hershel Lisker, Tzvi Hersh Friedman. From the core of his deep faith, he pleads for a miracle of love, hope, and healing for the Hasidic community

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A haszid zsidó kozosseg Magyarorszagon

Magyarország haszid zsidó közössége.A zsidóság egyik vallási és spirituális irányzata, a haszidizmus, a 18. század közepén jelent meg Kelet-Európában. A haszidizmus alapítója, Izrael ben Eliezer, akit Báál Sém Tovként ismernek, tanításaiban az isteni jelenlét közelségét és az Isten iránti mély szeretetet hangsúlyozt

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The Jewish Cemetery of Liska

The Jewish Cemetery of Liska, situated in the village of Olaszliszka in Hungary, is a site of profound historical and spiritual importance, reflecting the rich heritage of the Hasidic movement. Known colloquially as "Liska," this cemetery is a key site in Jewish history, with notable importance in the context of Hasidic Judaism. Historical Backgr

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